Thursday, January 17, 2008

PSYCHO's Search for the Quest to Search

A very confusing title indeed.
A very complicated title indeed.
You may be asking & wondering what is "the Search for the Quest to Search" as you reading this post.

People live in the world that needs motivation, goals, mission & vision to carry on their everyday life.
However, not all people will have the essence to go on.
Some people may even have no goal.
Some have no mission.
Some have no vision.
some have the motivation only for the wrong path they've chosen.

In the world today, people are searching for different things.
Money, power, status, education, love, sex, pleasure, or even destruction.
And one of the so many things, some people are still searching for their identities.

Some people might still searching for who they are.
Some might still wondering where they can find themselves.
However, a congrate is the best word to describe them, at least they know what are the things they search for.

There is some people out there who are have no sense of direction in life.
They don't even know what they are searching.
They practice try & error in order to wonder what they searching for.
They have the mindset that through this method, they will eventually find what they find.

I have a friend who think that she know what is she searching for.
But when the hurts come, the she realize that she don't know what is she searching for.
She only can assume that "XYZ" is what she should look for.

Now then, I realize that a lot if people is searching & still seaching.
Each of everyone needs to search, & a quest to search.
But to step on the quest to search, can we really able to identify & search for this 'QUEST to SEARCH'?

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