Friday, February 20, 2009

PSYCHO's Peace of the Pain

Just read the new chapter of the Naruto manga.
Somehow I feel the sadness and sorrow in me.
Maybe what the antagonist said is quite true.
Not only the anagonist, Pain, but also how the portagonist, Naruto reply to him.
2 points were mentioned.

Always or not peace was the only thing everyone hoping for. Whenever there is a war in any where on this globe, there are somehow people start protesting to stop the war. Why is this happen? In simple, people want to have peace.
War brings suffers, pain, and hatred. Is always these that brings people wanted to have the peace. But how? How can we actually help to bring and maintain the peace?
Pain :"Everyone feels the pain of loss the same. We cannot help but know that people can never understand each other. How would you face this hatred in order to build this peace?"
Naruto: "I don't know. I just don't know."
Pain: "With the weapon, it will be able to destroy entire land in an instant. The world will know true pain, and the fear of pain will put an end to the world. Eventually, time will pass and the pain will heal. Desturctive power will be weaken and people will fight again..."
I'm not sure how you think. But what Pain said is kinda true. Perhaps the true pain is the only way to stop the war. But will it? We wanted the peace so much until the point that we sometimes do not know how can we actually bring the peace to this world.
Pain: "What do you want?"
Naruto: "I want to defeat you, and bring peace to the world."
Pain: "We both want the same thing. You and I are no different. We're both working for our own justice. You work for your own justice, and I for mine. We are jsut ordinary people driven to revenge in the name of justice. But if revenge is called justice, then that justice breeds yet more revenge."
What Pain said is true. We often said that we want to have justice. But what is actually justice comes from? What is the consequence of justice? Will justice really bring peace to the world?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tagged By Rachel

第一: 被点者请在自己的 Blog 里写下答案
第二: 请传另外十位的人
第三: 传阅人"请在于这十位当中斗留言版" 告知他(她)被点名了
第四: 这当中的十位的人‘不得拒绝’
第五: 被点者"请注明被谁点了"在哪接到 "在传给下十位"
第六: 这些 "被点名者" 你们被点会得到祝福, 并且 "愿望会实现" ,也会得到 "幸福套餐" 开始咯!!

幸福套餐 NO.1
01 你的绰号 : 康康,Ah Gua (recent one)
02 年龄 :23
03 生日 : 24-11-1986
04 星座 : Sagittarius
05 兴趣 : Sleep?
06 专长 : Drama? Acting?

幸福套餐 NO.2
01 你有没有喜欢的人?: you
02 是否在交往?: 否
03 现在幸福吗?: 算吧!
04 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事?: 自杀???
05 如果有天,你爱的人跟你告白的话?: Happy to death

幸福套餐 NO.3
01 最爱的节目: 我猜 我猜 我猜猜猜
02 最爱的音乐: Oldies
03 最爱的季节: 冬季
04 最爱的卡通: Power Rangers, 算吗?
05 最爱的人: 妹妹
06 最爱的颜色: 海蓝色
07 最爱的国家: Alaska
08 最爱的天气: 雨天

幸福套餐 NO.4
01 如果上天给你三个愿望: (a)和她在一起(b)进入娱乐圈,负责幕后(c)有很多很多的漫画
02 你是很专一的人吗?: 自认是
03 最深刻的回忆?: 第一次的告白被拒绝
04 你是个很有信心的人吗?: 看是什么事咯
05 你很爱微笑吗?: Of Course
06 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗?: 应该不会
07 妄想什么样的生活?: 有钱的乞丐生活
08 是否横刀夺爱才是爱?: 不是